What's Happening at the
January - Janitha Mahanthe joins the group as a PhD student, to work on the Multiscale Polymer Toolkit!
December - The group's research is highlighted in a news article. Read the article here: NASA Awards Jacob Gissinger $206K to Study How Resins React at High Temperatures
November - Gissinger publishes major update to REACTER in Computer Physics Communications. DOI.
October - The group is awarded NASA grant for "Predicting Graphitizability of High-Temperature Resins", 10/2024-10/2026, $205,761
- The group is awarded NSF grant "Collaborative Research: Frameworks: Enabling reproducible research in soft materials with the Multiscale Polymer Toolkit (MuPT)", 10/2024-10/2027, $289,124
- Gissinger attends AIChE, presents "A Database of Chemical Reaction Templates for REACTER"
September - Joshua Bauer joins as a PhD student to work on molecular modeling of high-temperature materials!
- Gissinger gives Fall 2024 Seminar Series talk at Virginia Commonwealth University, Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering
- Gissinger teaches third new course: undergraduate Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics II
August - Gissinger attends Foundation of Molecular Modeling and Simulation (FOMMS)
- Gissinger is invited to ACS to speak on "Molecular Modeling of Polymeric Metamaterials"
July - Gissinger attends Gordon Research Conference in Computational Materials Science and Engineering – poster: "Machine-Learned Committor Functions for Reactive Molecular Dynamics"
June - The group is awarded grant from Sandia National Labs: "A Machine Learning Framework for Predicting Reactivity of Organic Compounds", 06/2024-09/2024, $20,000
- The group hosts a high school student through the Brooklyn Tech summer program, and an undergraduate visiting scholar from Cooper Union
March - Gissinger receives NASA Group Achievement Award as part of the Superlightweight Aerospace Composites Team
- Gissinger et al. publishes an article in the Journal of Physical Chemistry B about the new 'type label' framework in LAMMPS. DOI.
February - The group is awarded a U.S. Army subcontract to study high-temperature materials, 3/2024-12/2024, $75,000
January - Gissinger teaches first undergraduate course: Design with Materials
December - Gissinger gives webinar for Inha University (Incheon, South Korea)
November - Gissinger attends AIChE, presents on "Modeling Thermosetting Polymers with Hierarchical Nanostructure", and gives invited talk about new core software features in LAMMPS
- Gissinger attends ACS, speaks on "Modeling Molecular Machines with Dynamic Covalent Bonds"
September - Gissinger starts teaching - graduate-level course: Advanced Momentum Transfer
September 1st - The Gissinger Group at Stevens, a.k.a. the NanoCIPHER Lab, is established!